Rick, dedicated Yanks fan, was responsible for yet another victory today against the Mariners.
The score was tied 2-2, then A-Rod hit a 2-run homer, which could not have happened had Rick not shouted, "Come on, A-Rod! Hit that mother-fucking ball out of the park!"
"Oh yeah, Rick comes to plenty of games," commented Rodriguez after the game. "His cliche words of encouragement have gotten us out of a lot of tight spots."
This 35-year-old fan has been going to games since his childhood in the 80s. His first words of inspiration came in 1982, at 7 years old, when he shouted, "Mr. Winfield, please hit a home run for my dad. He's dying." After weeping for a minute, Dave Winfield hit a grand slam.
"I wasn't actually dying," Rick's dad told us. "But Ricky, he was a clever boy."
Other great game-saving quotes by Rick include, "Hey catch that fucking ball!" and, "Hey, tag that piece of shit!" and of course, "Don't strike out, you fucking moron!"
Even when he can't be at the games, Rick still makes sure to scream at the TV really loud, because as we all know, TV sports watchers' rants are always heard and listened to.
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